On June 1, the newly established Long Range Property Planning Task Force met for the first time at the Kodosky Service Center in Austin. The meeting was led by Glen Chin of GSUSA and he conveyed the responsibilities of the task force members and their goals for the upcoming six to eight month time period. It was discussed that membership participation is critical to this process. These groups will collect data and present their preliminary findings to the entire task force at the September meeting.
Future Task Force Meetings are as follows:
- September 7, 2013
- October 19, 2013
- December 13, 2013
UPDATED 7/8/13
Task Force Members
- Trish Coy, Board and Task Force Chair - China Spring
- David Boehner, Board - Waco
- Lisa Sikora, Board - Austin
- Janie Mehrens, Community at Large - Brenham
- Bill Gurasich, Community at Large - Austin
- Dan Robertson, Community at Large - Austin
- Michele Anderson,Volunteer - Waco
- Carrie Yager, Volunteer - Austin
- Maricela Cantu, Volunteer - Brownwood
Advisory Members
- Glen Chin, GSUSA Property Consultant
- Lynelle McKay, CEO Staff
- Sande Chaffin, Facilities Director Staff
- Gayle Turner, Membership Lead, Staff
- Sherry Wolfe, Programs Director Staff
- Lolis Garcia-Baab, Marketing and Communications Director Staff
- Angie McFarland, Fund Development Director Staff
Program Sub-Committee
- Carrie Yager - Chair
- Janie Mehrens
- Lisa Sikora
- Staff Liason: Gayle Turner and Sherry Wolfe
Tasks of Sub-Committee:
• Review staff and volunteer training requirements
• Identify what facilities support the program and if they have the appropriate capacity and condition
• Identify duplicate programs within council sponsored programs and research program opportunities outside of the council
• Identify alternative program delivery sites – facilities owned by other organizations
• Review how we market our camps and identify opportunities to collaborate with other organizations
• Review camp usage – annual, monthly, weekly
• Review cost per girl/per day
• Review program outcomes
• Review staffing expertise, cost, supply
• Identify the current amenities at the camp and determine if they meet needs and expectations
Property Research Sub-Committee
- Maricela Cantu - Chair
- Bill Gurasich
- Staff Liason: Sande Chaffin
Tasks of Sub-Committee:
• Identify facilities and determine how/if they meet the needs of the council
• Identify the maintenance and personnel needs for upkeep of camps and facilities
• Determine the total cost of deferred maintenance
• Identify solutions to reduce cost, increase safety, and support council programs
• Gather information from all subcommittees and create a five year capital improvement plan that identifies upgrades and/or new facilities that are needed
• Review operating costs
• Review ownership/insurance values and coverage
• Assess overall maintenance condition
Market Research Sub-Committee
- Michele Anderson - Chair
- David Boehner
- Trish Coy
- Staff Liason: Lolis Garcia-Baab
Tasks of Sub-Committee:
• Identify transportation and time/distance concerns
• Identify program needs, issues, interests and expectations
• Research the availability of programs for all age levels through council offered programs and collaboration with other organizations
• Review gathered market research data
• Identify hurdles to participation
• Gain information on outdoor program trends
September 7 will be the next meeting. At that time, each sub-committee will report their findings to the committee at large.